
What Is An “IP PIN,” and Do I Need One? #2

In times where identity theft is rampant, it may be a good idea to apply for an Identity Protection Personal Identification Number (IP PIN) as an added layer of protection when filing your federal income tax return. The IRS IP PIN is a 6‑digit number assigned to eligible taxpayers to help prevent the misuse of their Social Security number on a fraudulently filed tax return. This is a voluntary opt-in program and the IP PIN is known only by you and the IRS. A new IP PIN will be generated annually and must be used to confirm your identity on any return filed during the calendar year.

An eligible taxpayer is anyone who has a Social Security number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) and is also able to pass an identity verification process. Spouses and dependents are also eligible for an IP PIN if they can pass the same verification process.

The fastest way to receive an IP PIN is by using the online Get an IP PIN tool on the website, If you wish to get an IP PIN and you don’t already have an account on, you must register to validate your identity.

If you were previously a victim of tax-related identity theft, the IRS automatically mails you a CP01A Notice with your new IP PIN each year. The IRS sends IP PIN notices to eligible taxpayers from mid-December through early January. This notice should be provided to Tronconi Segarra & Associates for proper inclusion on your return. The IRS will never call, email or text you with a request for your IP PIN.

For more information, contact Melissa S. Howell, CPA, Principal, at 716.633.1373 or


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